Monday, July 11, 2005

2nd Post In One Day

Liz and I are biding our time until we can move out of my mom's house (and the room I occupied while I was high school) and into our own. But our trip to Austin has really got us thinking about looking to our neighbor to the north.

First, it is always 5 to 10 degrees cooler than San Antonio. I wish I knew why. While San Antonians are stifled by 100+ summer temps, Austin stays relatively cool.

Second, Austin just has the attitude that Liz and I can adapt too. Liz and I typically make relatively common literary references. I like to call people who are overly obnoxious in public "Ignatius Reilly's" after the pathetically elistist main charater from Confederacy of Dunces. Nobody in this town would ever understand that one. Even references to pop culture goes grossly awry when used in casual conversation in this town. Austinites can typically keep pace - for the most part. I don't think everybody in Austin is an encyclopaedia of monty pythonisms. I know this for a fact because I have family in Austin.

Lastly, (and this is just off the tope of my head) Austin has a much more healthy attitude. San Antonio's idea of a health food restaraunt is a taco joint that offers corn tortillas too. Austin has a strong bicycle culture which Liz and I would enjoy. The local diet is much more diverse and offers healthier alternatives when eating out.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

The grass is always greener on the other woman side. But it would be nice to live in a different city that is cool and close to both our families.

Man, I miss the old MTV series Austin Stories.


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