I just finished reading Douglas Coupland's new book JPod. As usual, Coupland proves to be Generation X's most innovative and witty pen-man. He has an instinct for writing about modern concepts in a graphical manner that can be easily absorbed by a generation reared on the nutrient deficient iridesence of RCA cathode ray tubes.I'm sure most Coupland fans were hoping for more of a sequel to Microserfs, and I think that this is the closest thing we're ever going to see of that, but instead of re-hashing old characters and putting them in new, more modern predicaments, Coupland used the same formula (intelligent people with no purposeful outlet for genius and creativity wasting their lives on the minutia of pop culture and internet innovation) to tell a new story that was less cliched. Doug even employed his previous use of free flowing consciousness by throwing words on a page spread apart with different font and font points. In Microserfs, Michael was trying to find out if computers had a subconscious and, if so, what did they think about. This method of story telling can only be described as William Faulkner meets Jackson Pollock.
The bottom line is: I like witty! And Douglas Coupland is a witty bitch! And when you can be witty about things that I know about, like the internet and video games and soft-core Fox dramas of the late 90s, than even better for me.
Kurt Vonnegut
William Faulkner
Steve Jobs
Jackson Pollack
= Dougla$ C0up7and