Ebay Iraq
Instead of the United States (and more accurately, Americans) financing the rebuilding of Iraq, why not give every Iraqi a free Ebay account and let them auction their way into a new age of democracy.
Wouldn't you buy a genuine Iraqi...err...uh...something.
Some of my Favorite Things
The movie
Searching for Bobby Fisher is one of my favorite movies of all time. I love the intereaction between son and father, student and teacher. I love the Zen-like nature of Joshua Waitzkin. It's one of those movies that truly gives me that warm, special feeling.
And on the subject of multi-media, did anyone see the series finale to Six Fee Under last night. I used to watch the show when it first came out, but then lost interest somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd seasons. However, the lasts five minutes of the series was one of the best, most poignant pieces of editing, story telling and cinematography.
Two new additions to my Things-I-Want-to-do-before-I-die list:
1) Hear Woody Allen say "White Power"
2) Crack
When will Nike make a pair of shox that will fit me perfectly? When will I stop buying them despite the bad fit?
Sophia is sitting up better than ever. Soon she'll be crawling all over the place. I can't wait until she can talk and concientiously give me kisses (unlike what she does now, which is todder over and let me catch her with my lips).
I really love my Apple PowerBook. It's truly one of my favorite possessions.
Life is Roseola
Fia is just getting over a week-long battle with Roseola. She started with a fever and general irritability. That lasted for about four days with intermittent diarrhea. Liz went to the pediatrician's office three days in a row without a satisfactory answer from the medical staff. She spent afternoon at Methodist Children's Hospital waiting for blood tests and urine samples to be taken and analyzed - nothing.
Finally, on the fifth day, Fia woke up with a red, bumpy rash all over her face, neck and torso. Ahh, so that's what it was, good ol' Roseola. According to WebMD, Roseola is a "mild viral infection" occurring mostly in children under the age of four. Most children get it. I got it when I was a baby. Nothing to be alarmed about.
This was the first time that Fia got sick; not counting the first two months of her life. My wife deserves a hardy pat on the back for handling the unknown crises and being a trooper through so many doctors visits and medical tests. Not to mention a great big thumbs-up for my daughter. She's the one who had to be sick through out the whole ordeal.
The only fitting aspect is that Sophia
Rose for
PowerBook Apostle
Sooner or later my friends will catch on. They will start screening my phone calls. Invitations will become mysteriously lost in the mail. Lights will dim when I ring the doorbell.
I don't care.
I must spread the good news of Apple computers. I must bring salvation to the Pentium Pagans and proselytize those who are lost.
Kooky for sure, but I feel it a mission to make the world believe in OS X. I will teach the unlearned the simplicity of a single-button mouse.
Eternity is in the interface.