Saturday, August 13, 2005

Life is Roseola

Fia is just getting over a week-long battle with Roseola. She started with a fever and general irritability. That lasted for about four days with intermittent diarrhea. Liz went to the pediatrician's office three days in a row without a satisfactory answer from the medical staff. She spent afternoon at Methodist Children's Hospital waiting for blood tests and urine samples to be taken and analyzed - nothing.

Finally, on the fifth day, Fia woke up with a red, bumpy rash all over her face, neck and torso. Ahh, so that's what it was, good ol' Roseola. According to WebMD, Roseola is a "mild viral infection" occurring mostly in children under the age of four. Most children get it. I got it when I was a baby. Nothing to be alarmed about.

This was the first time that Fia got sick; not counting the first two months of her life. My wife deserves a hardy pat on the back for handling the unknown crises and being a trooper through so many doctors visits and medical tests. Not to mention a great big thumbs-up for my daughter. She's the one who had to be sick through out the whole ordeal.

The only fitting aspect is that Sophia Rose for Roseola.


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