Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Big 'D', Initial D and iPod Envy

I'm off to Dallas tomorrow morning, but just for the day. I bought Dane Cook's new CD Retaliation to listen to on the flight. I fly back later in the afternoon and then I've got a business "social event" that I have to attend. This has already been a long week. My partner is on vacation so that just leaves me to handle the already heavy work load.

However, I'm totally psyched to hear about the new video iPod. I don't think I'll run out and buy one. I'm quite partial to my old 20 GB, monochrome iPod. I was so happy when I got it and I'm not ready to part with it just yet. Even if there is something as cool as the iPod Nano or video iPod out.

On the other hand, the new iMac G5 is something I would run out and buy. It's slimmer. It's more powerful. it's got integrated iSight. Apple apparently focused on the media aspect on this unit. I'm still 100% psyched over my 17" PowerBook, but we could use a 'family' computer. But I've always said that if I bought another Apple right away it would be either an iBook or 12" PowerBook for traveling. Decisions, decisions.

I'm totally jones-ing for the next two dics of Initial D. Probably the coolest, most engaging anime series that I've seen to date. We have it set up on Netflix that I get two dics of Initial D for every one movie. I'm a little more than half way though the entire series as it has been released in America. I don't know what I'll do when I run out battles to watch.


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