Monday, September 05, 2005

House Hunting

Liz decided it was time for us to get a house of our own. I guess I'm much more complacent about living with my mom because, face it, that's all I've ever done. Honestly, the thought of living alone with my wife and child kind of scares me. What if something happens? What if Liz get's sick and I'm the only one to take care of her? At least living with my mom I have somebody to help me if something happens. But what about my mom. She's the sole caregiver to both my grandparents. And neither one of my grandparents are easy to give care to.

But when all is said and done, I do hate being a twenty-nine year old man, still living at home with his mom.

Prepare to be heartbroken....We found a house today over in Westover Hills. It was perfect. It was also already sold. I guess we're going to be running into stuff like that. Prepare to be heartbroken.


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