I haven't posted anything, but I've got a lot.
Firstly, my trip to San Francisco was awesome. I would have liked more time to explore the city, but I was there on business. Oh well, maybe next time.
Semi-promotion: I sort of got promoted today. E and I were officially titled Business Banking Specialists. If it weren't for the fact that I've been doing the work for a couple of months now, I would have been more excited. Ultimately, I'd like to move to the Business Banking Group or Commercial Banking. But at least I know I'm going in the right direction.
Anniversary: Liz and I will have been married for one year this October. I've got to figure out what to do for our anniversary. I don't know when, but I'd like to start saving up for an Alaskan cruise. Liz has always wanted to do that.
New iPod: Unbeknownst to me, I was involved in a contest at work to win an iPod. All the bankers in my office won. Cool. Now I've got to figure out what to do: keep my old one and ebay the new one or keep the new one and give my old one to somebody else. Liz promised it to Gage and I promised it to my mom. I guess I'll figure it out.
Initial D: Disc 2 and 3 of Initial D arrived today from Netflix. I know what I'm doing this weekend.
The Move: I don't know if E and I will be changing offices any time soon or even at all. It would be nice to office out of the BBRC - I know I can learn volumes from that opportunity.
Corporate Climber
I was informed today that I would be going to San Francisco to sit in on a meeting about something or other that our group is working on. Cool! I'm rather honored by the nod. I'm going to try and take Liz with me...she's never been to San Francisco. It might be expensive and it might be for only one day, but the experience would be nice.
That might be the main difference between Elizabeth and I - she's a doer/goer and I'm not. I'm perfectly fine sitting at home and doing nothing. I prefer to pick up food-to-go and bring it home to eat in peace; she wants to go out and eat. But mainly, I want to stay home and she wants to go out - always.
I'm trying to meet her in the middle and I have to admit that she is really good about indulging my desier to be immobile. I thank her for that. Mayabe I'll take her on a vacation.
One-Man Crimewave
This really isn't an "official" post; I just really like saying I'm a one-man crimewave.
In an unrelatred thought, I'm still aghast at what happened in New Orleans (and the Gulf Coast in general). It's a disaster of such magnitude that it boggles the mind. Entire cities were wiped out. Let me type that again - entire cities were wiped out.
House Hunting
Liz decided it was time for us to get a house of our own. I guess I'm much more complacent about living with my mom because, face it, that's all I've ever done. Honestly, the thought of living alone with my wife and child kind of scares me. What if something happens? What if Liz get's sick and I'm the only one to take care of her? At least living with my mom I have somebody to help me if something happens. But what about my mom. She's the sole caregiver to both my grandparents. And neither one of my grandparents are easy to give care to.
But when all is said and done, I do hate being a twenty-nine year old man, still living at home with his mom.
Prepare to be heartbroken....We found a house today over in Westover Hills. It was perfect. It was also already sold. I guess we're going to be running into stuff like that. Prepare to be heartbroken.
Katrina's Survivors
San Antonio is playing host to a large portion of the survivors from Hurricane Katrina. The two main shelters are not that far from my house. Kelly USA is being used as the main shelter here in town and also the old Levin Strauss factory. The Levi factory was filled first because it is already air conditioned.
I'd like to drive by the shelters to see the people. Not out of some macabre need, but because this is history. I want to see it with my own eyes. I want a picture of it. Once again, not for the freaky, gawking nature that humans sometime exhibit. I just want to see history being made.
Lost & Found
Last night, at Sandr'a birthday party, Liz asked me to hold her wedding ring while she cooked. At the end of the party I couldn't find it. I feel horrible. A month after we got married I thought I lost my wedding ring and I almost made myself sick. Now that I've lost my wife's ring - I don't know what to do. If she would have lost it I wouldn't have been mad, these things happen. But since I'm the one who lost it, I just can't stop thinking about it.
I know she was really mad when I told her. I think she has put things into perspective. It's more than a piece of jewelry, but it's just a piece of jewelry.
To make things a little better I told her that I would buy her the ring that I originally wanted to buy her - the Debra Ring from
James Avery.
The Big Easy - Really Difficult
I feel exceptionally guilty because of my initially casual attitude towards what was going on in New Orleans. I've been working a lot lately and wasn't watching the news or reading the paper or checking out the internet news sites. Last night, Liz and I stayed up until 1am watching CNN's and MSNBC's coverage of New Orleans. I searched Google News and watched video of the dead bodies abandoned outside of the super dome.
It me feel very uneasy that while I sit very comfortably in my home there are people having to deal with an extreme situation. How would I be able to handle a situation like that? I thought of Sophia crying because she was thirsty and me not being able to provide any water. I thought about Liz being sick and me not being able to get her to a doctor. I thought about trying to keep my head when so much chaos is going on about me.
I think New Orleans may have run it's course. It's obvious that that town is never going to be the same again, but I question the further existence of the city. I don't think I would go back after this. I wouldn't want to go to the super dome because all I would think about is that it onced housed filth and crime and dead bodies stacked in the concession booths.
I read in the local paper (San Antonio Express News) that we are expecting thousands of citizens at Kelly USA. San Antonio is also going to use our closed down Levi Strauss factory to house another thousand or so families. We'll probably also use our convention center or Joe Freeman Coliseum.
News reports have focused on the fact that these survivors of Hurricane Katrina are getting on and off buses with nothing. I disagree. They are carrying a collection of experiences that could be a heavier burden than any physical item. These experiences will probably change the cities they inhabit for the coming months.
I'd like to help.