Monday, November 21, 2005

Another Mac Geek

My aunt and uncle came into town today, and believe it or not, my uncle Mickey is a Mac Geek (though I'm not sure if he would understand the use of the word "geek" in this context). My aunt, on the other hand, is not. Oh well, not everybody can be cool like me!?!

Mick has a G5 iMac, he has a subscription to MacWorld, he listens to almost all of the same Mac-oriented podcasts, blah, blah, blah. While he's in town for Thanksgiving, I'd like to take him to the Apple Store at La Canterra.

In related news, I think I've narrowed my search for my next Mac down to either a vintage G3 Pismo PowerBook, G3 Lombard PowerBook or a Mac Mini to attah to my flat screen TV. Most of the Mac rumor sites are claiming that Steve is going to introduce a new Intel-Powered Mac Mini for early next year. I'm not totally jumping on the PowerPC bandwagon just yet, but I would like to see what Cupertino has planned for the first Intel offering.

I'll stay tuned.


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