Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bright & Early

Up at 5am today...for no discernible reason. I guess getting up every day at 5am is starting to take.

I just finished doing the books for Palumbo, Inc, and now I'm going to Starbucks to start reading my new books from Amazon or listen to some of the new Podcasts I subscribe to. Either way, a nice way to spend some "me" time early on so I have the rest of the day with my family.

I thought about bringing my PowerBook, but I'll wait until I get the smaller, lighter more mobile iBook.

I'm still wishing they'd outfit our office with iMacs. I was watching BusinessWeek this morning (or at least that's what the TV was on when I was getting dressed) and they were doing a story on mothers and daughters going to into business together. And so many of the estrogen units they focused on were toiling away on iMacs or PowerBooks. Damn, why can't corporate America see that the Apple is just a better machine.

But before I get on that rant *again*, I'll leave it be with the following statement: I'm probablay glad, overall, that corporate America is not using Apples because it leaves the niche market to its own devices. If GM or Wal-Mart implemented a change to the Mac, you'd be sure that virus writers and script kiddies would start producing more and more malicious script for OS X. I guess it's a good thing. But I still want one at work.


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