Monday, November 28, 2005

Coffee, Tired of Contacts

I think I'm experiencing burn out. I'm tired. I'm irritable. All I want to do is sleep and read and sit in front of my computer. This must be some early phase of burn out. Heck, I'm even yearning to "get away" for a while.

Right now, approximately 8:54pm, all I can think about is a cappucino and a good book (or my PowerBook - that's a good book). I was watching that movie, Secret Window with Johnny Depp. Depp's character lives in a cabin in upstate New York. That really hit a chord in me. All I can think about is spending a week in a cabin with no television, no work email, no cell phones, nada.

I would love a week to do nothing but read, drink coffee and wine, sleep, etc. Not thinking about money or loans or underwriting or anything.

Liz wants to go on a cruise sometime after Bella is born, but I'm thinking about getting away to the woods. Maybe northern California or Washington state. That would be really nice. I would love to be able to get away from this south Texas heat for a while. Even in late November/early December, it's still reaching some stifling heat indexes around midday.


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