Monday, December 05, 2005

Plane Talk

"What kind of computer is that?" asked the young woman seated next to me on the Boeing seven-fo-seven.

"It's a PowerBook," I annoying replied. Not annoyed at the unwanted conversation, but annoyed at the fact that she didn't know a PowerBook when she saw one. What, did she work for Microsoft?

"It's sexy," she purred.

"Apple is a sexy company!"

She drifted off to sleep and drolled all over her jacket. It was one of the more interesting conversations I've had in quite some time.

BTW, Seattle is mutha-friggin cold right now. According to the weather information it's only a few degrees colder than San Antonio, but I don't remember San Antonio being this cold. I guess it's because I'm next to the ocean. Anywho, is it me, or does this whole city smell like an old Starbucks?


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